Prostate Cancer

Welcome to Aubergine Physio: Your Men’s Health Specialist Physiotherapy Clinic

Prostate Cancer: Understanding the Disease and Treatment Options

Prostate cancer is a condition that affects the prostate gland, a small walnut-shaped gland located below the bladder in men. It is one of the most common types of cancer that affects men, typically occurring in older age groups. When diagnosed with prostate cancer, there are various treatment options available, one of which is radical robotic prostatectomy.

Radical Robotic Prostatectomy: A Precise Surgical Procedure

Radical robotic prostatectomy is a surgical procedure aimed at removing the prostate gland and any surrounding cancerous tissues. This procedure is performed with the assistance of robotic technology, allowing for enhanced precision and minimally invasive techniques. By removing the prostate gland, it aims to eliminate or control the spread of prostate cancer.

Pre-Operative Physiotherapy

Organising an Initial Physiotherapy consultation 6-8 weeks prior to surgery is key to implementing the correct way of strengthening your pelvic floor in the lead up to your operation day. This will ensure you have that mind-muscle connection well and truly built in and working at an optimum, which means a much speedier recovery and get you on the road to being dry again, following on from bladder incontinence immediately after surgery. The pelvic floor exercises also help with retaining erectile function.

Post-Surgery Expectations: Recovery and Rehabilitation

Following radical robotic prostatectomy, it is important to understand what to expect during the recovery process. Recovery times may vary from patient to patient, but typically individuals can expect a period of healing and rehabilitation. It is common to experience some discomfort, fatigue, and swelling in the surgical area. Rest, pain management, and gradually increasing pelvic floor strengthening and physical activity, as advised by your healthcare team are crucial during this phase.

Side Effects of Radical Prostatectomy: Addressing Challenges

While radical prostatectomy can be an effective treatment for prostate cancer, it may result in side effects that can impact a patient’s quality of life. One of the common side effects experienced is bladder incontinence. This refers to the loss of bladder control, which can lead to involuntary leakage of urine. Please note, that a bladder catheter will in insitu for 2 weeks following surgery to allow for healing of the urethra and bladder neck anastomosis.


Another side effect that affects the majority of men is erectile dysfunction, as bruising (neuropraxia) occurs even during nerve sparing surgery, which affects a man’s ability to achieve or maintain an erection. These effects can last up to 18 months post surgery and in some cases can be permanent if the nerves haven’t been spared.

Bladder Incontinence: Restoring Control and Confidence

At Aubergine Physio, we specialise in men’s health physiotherapy, including the management of bladder incontinence. Our experienced physiotherapists understand the challenges faced by individuals dealing with bladder control issues post-prostatectomy. Through a comprehensive assessment, we develop personalised treatment plans to address your specific needs.

Bladder Retraining and Pelvic Floor Exercises: Regaining Control

Our physiotherapists will guide you through bladder retraining techniques to regain control over your bladder. This involves learning strategies to gradually increase the intervals between urination and improve the bladder’s capacity to hold urine. Additionally, we will incorporate pelvic floor exercises into your treatment plan. These exercises strengthen the muscles that support the bladder pre and post surgery and help improve control over urinary function, with patience and practice, a patient can and will become completely dry. We walk you through the process of weaning from pants and pads.

The ‘Knack’: Strengthening Pelvic Floor Muscles

Alongside teaching how to contract the pelvic floor correctly with both slow twitch and fast twist contractions, the former to allow better bladder control and endurance throughout the day and the latter for during physical exertion, for example picking up grandchildren, lifting shopping, squatting down to tie shoelaces. One technique that we teach at Aubergine Physio is called the ‘knack.’ It involves contracting the fast twitch pelvic floor muscles just before any activity that may put pressure on the bladder, such as coughing, sneezing, or lifting. By incorporating the ‘knack’ into your daily routine, you can improve control over urinary leakage during these moments.

Erectile Dysfunction: Innovative Treatment Options

Erectile dysfunction can be a distressing side effect of radical prostatectomy. At Aubergine Physio, we offer a range of innovative treatment options, including focused shockwave therapy. This non-invasive treatment involves the use of low-intensity shockwaves to stimulate blood flow, regeneration and healing of nerves and promotes tissue regeneration in the penile area. Our qualified physiotherapists will assess your condition and develop a personalised treatment plan to help you regain erectile function and restore your sexual well-being. This treatment can. be implemented as early as week 6 post prostatectomy, once your PSA results have returned to normal range, you are deemed cancer free and we have authorisation from your surgeon.

Focus Shockwave Therapy

In addition to stimulating blood flow, focused shockwave therapy can also play a crucial role in promoting nerve healing and regeneration through a process called neurogenesis. After radical prostatectomy, even with nerve-sparing techniques, it is common for the nerves surrounding the prostate to experience temporary damage or bruising (known as neuropraxia). These nerves require time to recover and heal, and their regeneration plays a significant role in restoring erectile function.

Stephanie Smith-Rowles of Aubergine Physio

At Aubergine Physio, we understand the importance of accelerating the healing process and enhancing nerve regeneration for individuals experiencing erectile dysfunction post-prostatectomy. By incorporating focused shockwave therapy into your personalised treatment plan, our skilled physiotherapists can help expedite nerve healing, reduce recovery time, and improve your chances of regaining erectile function.

Focused shockwave therapy utilises low-intensity shockwaves that are precisely targeted to the affected areas. These shockwaves stimulate cellular activity and promote the release of growth factors, which in turn facilitate the regeneration of damaged nerves. By promoting neurogenesis, this therapy enhances the body’s natural healing mechanisms and supports the restoration of erectile function.

Our dedicated team of physiotherapists will work closely with you to assess your specific condition, tailor a comprehensive treatment plan, and guide you through pelvic floor strengthening, bladder retraining  and focused shockwave therapy sessions. We are committed to providing you with the highest level of care and support on your journey to overcoming bladder incontinence and erectile dysfunction and reclaiming your sexual well-being.

Contact Aubergine Physio today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards restoring your erectile function and improving your overall quality of life.

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Stephanie Smith-Rowles of Aubergine Physio